After having two children of my own with both unique pregnancies and labors I was
dedicated to the mission of breastfeeding. I am highly motivated to serve women through
the postnatal journey. I want to promote the benefits of postpartum support, as many
women are not even aware that postpartum doulas exist.
I also have had to navigate the world of raising a child with a birth defect, I know a few tips
on how to point someone into the right direction as many may not now the resources that
are available to them through local hospital and outside. Some of those resources include
non-profits, and regional state affiliated resources.
It is well-known that, Georgia has one of the highest maternal/infant mortality rates in the
country. Many of those deaths occur during the first forty days postpartum. I want to create
opportunities for women of color to receive postpartum support to lessen the unfortunate
I will strive to provide new moms with the tools and resources they need to succeed in
their new parenting roles. I will provide necessary support to new mothers as they recover
from giving birth and are learning to breastfeed and care for their newborn babies.
I have the intention and initiative to bring education and provide important postnatal care
that can lessen postpartum mood disorders and enhance confidence in the new parent role.
As a mother I know the value of a being a trusted companion during the transition into
My commitment and enthusiasm about supporting moms during the postpartum period
will be a gift to our community. I know she will be professional and effective in providing
needed nurturing care to postpartum women. The ultimate goal is to create a calm in the
chaos, listen and support the parent/s as they navigate parenthood.
I thank you for your continued support for Q's Birth Quest. Unfortunately, my services have been impacted by how we provide in home care. During this time, we have transitioned some of the services we provide to virtual service only to reduce the spread of COVID19. This will be a case by case basis depending upon the needs of the client. I am committed to the health and safety of my mothers, caregivers, their babies and family as well as my own family, staff members, and the community at large.
In response to COVID-19 if in person services are requested , we have a developed a protocol according to CDC guidelines. See below for the actions we are taking.
If I or any of my staff are sick, or has sick family members, I we will reschedule the appoint to stay home.
I take daily health screenings such as temperature checks and health questionnaires for myself and all staff and of each family that I may come in contact with.
I have reviewed the proper techniques with all staff, according to CDC guidelines, on covering coughs/sneezes and washing hands thoroughly for 20 seconds or more with soap and water.
I have reviewed the CDC recommended guidelines for social distancing of 6 feet or more with all employees.
I have implemented additional practices in our mobile locations including the use of cloth face-coverings and hand gloves, face shields, etc. by myself and all staff in my client's homes and additional sanitizing schedules and practices.